About Us

We are a remote team for building WordPress products for the last seven years. Let's take it where it leads.

About Us for Lucas

Product and Template Design

He is a WordPress product and template designer with a broad knowledge of commercial theme design, and as well as multi-niche client work. Geeky with fonts and as well as paddings. Plus, he is an audio synthesist by night.

Nilesh Vastrpara

Product Development

He is a product developer of WordPress with a broad knowledge of commercial theme design, and as well as multi-niche client work. Geeky with fonts and as well as paddings. Plus, he is an audio synthesist by night.

Alkesh Miyani

Product Support

He is a product support for WordPress with a broad knowledge of commercial theme design, and as well as multi-niche client work. Geeky with fonts and as well as paddings. Plus, he is an audio synthesist by night.